ASTM A 276/A276M : 2017 | Stainless Steel Bars & Shapes
Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products—Metric. ASTM A 484/A484M : 2021. Standard Specification for General Requirements for Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings. AS 1528.4:2019. Stainless steel tubes and tube fittings for food processing and hygienic applications Clamp tube fittings.

ASTM A276/A276M
:ASTM A276/A276M タイトル:Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes ステンレスとの このは、をくまたはげのをとする。にされるステンレスの、、、アングル、ティー、チャンネルなどの ...

ASTM A276 Specification
440B. S44003. 440C. S44004. ASTM A276 is a standard specification for stainless steel bars and shapes, used for manufacturing bolts, screws, studs, nuts, other fasteners and similar bolting parts for general service applications. Boltport offers bar stock machined fasteners to ASTM A276 material specification.

Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
Scope. 1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 1). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types (Note 2), for general corrosion resistance and ...

WK77998 Revision of A276/A276M-17 Standard
Revision of A276/A276M-17 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. Rationale. This Work Item revises A276 to include a new UNS designation (S32975 is being applied for) for an austenitic stainless steel to Condition A (annealed) and Condition B (with relatively severe cold work). ... ASTM Standard C33, 2003a, …

Last previous edition approved in 2008 as A276 – 08a. DOI: 10.1520/A0276-10. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on the ASTM website.

ASTM International
January 1, 2015. Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. 1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note …

ASTM A276 vs ASTM A479
One of the main differences between ASTM A276 and ASTM A479 lies in their chemical compositions. ASTM A276 specifies that the material should have a maximum of 0.08% carbon, whereas ASTM A479 allows for a slightly higher carbon content of up to 0.15%. The chemical composition of the material can impact its performance …

WK78579 Revision of A276/A276M-17 Standard
Revision of A276/A276M-17 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. Rationale. ... ASTM Standard C33, 2003, "Specification for Concrete Aggregates," ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003, DOI: 10.1520/C0033-03, Referencing Standards (multiple revisions in same year): ...

Infórmate sobre la A276/A276M - 17 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes¡Entra y cómprala! ... These standards are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Subcommittee B02.07 and may be found in Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 02.04. 1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded …

Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
Scope*. 1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 1). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types (Note 2) for general corrosion resistance and ...

ASTM A 276/A276M : 2016 Standard Specification for …
ASTM A 276/A276M : 2016. Superseded. Add to Watchlist. Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. Available format (s): Hardcopy, PDF. Superseded date: 01-13-2016. Language (s): English. Published date: 01-01-2016. Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials.

ASTM A276/A276M-17 Standard Specification for Stainless …
Description. This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging. It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The bars shall be furnished in one of the following conditions: Condition …

ASTM A276/A276M-17 | API Standards Store
Full Description. 1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging ( Note 1 ). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or …

Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
Current edition approved May 15,Oct. 1, 2008. Published MayOctober 2008. Originally approved in 1944. Last previous edition approved in 20062008 asA276 – 08. DOI: 10.1520/A0276-08A. 2 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at [email protected].

ASTM A 276/A276M : 2016 Standard Specification …
Buy ASTM A 276/A276M : 2016 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes from SAI Global.

ASTM A276-10
1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 1). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types (Note 2) for general corrosion resistance and high ...

ASTM A276 A276M-2017
under the jurisdiction of ASTM Subcommittee 1302.07 and may be found in Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 02.04. 1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each

A476/A476M Standard Specification for Ductile Iron
Scope. 1.1 This specification covers ductile iron castings for use in pressure-containing paper mill dryer rolls at temperatures up to 450 °F [230 °C]. 1.2 No precise quantitative relationship can be stated between the properties of the iron in various locations of the same casting or between the properties of a casting and those of a test ...

What is ASTM A276?
Langley Alloys supplies a wide range of higher performance austenitic stainless steels, duplex andsuper duplex stainless steels, all of which are included in the ASTM A276 specification. These include: 1. UNS S20910 (XM-19, Nitronic 50, Fermonic 50, 1.3964) 2. UNS S31603 (Sanmac 316, Alloy 316L, 1.4404) 3. UNS …

ASTM A276-17
(A276/A276M – 16a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved March 15, 2017.) (1) Added UNS S31010 to Tables 1 and 2. Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A276/A276M – 16) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2016.)

ASTM A276/A276M-17
1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging ( Note 1 ). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types ( Note 2) for general corrosion resistance and high ...

Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
Designation: A276/A276M ... If the choice of test track is not specified in the order, then the default ASTM track shall be used as noted in Test Methods A1058 3.1.14 Supplementary requirements, and 3.1.15 Additional requirements. A276/A276M − 16a 2 L7HK6 WDQGDUGV KWWSV VWDQGDUGV LWHK DL

ASTM A276/A276M Specification
ASTM - A276/A276M SPECIFICATION FOR STAINLESS STEEL BARS AND SHAPES. This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging. It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. UNS …

Table 1: ASTM A276-316L & ASTM A182-316L – Major Elements & Mechanical Properties ASTM A182F-316L: Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings & Valves & Parts for High Temperature Service ˜ Forging is the process by which metal is heated in its "plastic state" and is shaped by applying compressive force.

ASTM A276 Grade 316 Annealed; Cold-Finished
ASTM A1018. ASTM A108 Carbon and Alloy Steel Bars. ASTM A479 Stainless Steel . ASTM A53 Carbon Steel Pipes. ASTM A564 Stainless Steel Age Hardened. Advanced High Strength Steel: Nomenclature, Grades, and Applications. Alloy Steel: Properties, Processing and Applications. Austenitic Stainless Steel: Properties, Applications and Grades

ASTM A276 equivalent material
ASTM A276 equivalent material chemical element. The ASTM A276 standard grade is a versatile alloy of chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and manganese (Mn). It is a composition designed to offer an optimum combination of strength, ductility, hardness, and corrosion resistance. The composition of ASTM A276 may vary depending on the requirements of …

What is ASTM A276?
The ASTM A276 specification is for hot-finished or cold-finished stainless-steel bars except for bars for reforging. This includes round squares, hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes such as angles, tees and channels that are commonly used types of stainless steel. Condition T – The bars are hardened and tempered at a relatively high ...

Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
Scope. 1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging ( Note 1 ). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types ( Note 2) for general corrosion resistance ...

ASTM A276 : Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars …
ASTM A276, Revision 13A, November 1, 2013 - Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 1). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of …

Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
Scope. 1.1 This specification covers hot-finished or cold-finished bars except bars for reforging (Note 0). It includes rounds, squares, and hexagons, and hot-rolled or extruded shapes, such as angles, tees, and channels in the more commonly used types of stainless steels. The free-machining types (Note 0) for general corrosion resistance and ...

Astm A276 | PDF | Stainless Steel | Steel
A 582/A 582M Specification for Free-Machining Stainless NOTE 4—A typical ordering description is as follows: 5000 lb (2268 kg) Steel Bars Stainless Steel Bars, Annealed and Centerless Ground, 11⁄2 in. (38.10. A 751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for mm) Round, 10 to 12 ft (3.05 to 3.66 m) in length, Type 304, ASTM.